




Analysis of Solid Wood Furniture in Kindergartens: A Correct Understanding of Rubber Wood


With the continuous development of furniture industrialization, more and more types of wood are being used to make furniture to meet different decorative effects and consumer levels. However, due to people's limited understanding of wood and the non-standard names of wood, some merchants are vague about the wood used in their furniture, giving people the illusion of good quality and low price. Today, Yixuan will analyze the rubber wood in solid wood furniture for kindergartens, allowing you to have a correct understanding of rubber wood. There have been multiple incidents of counterfeit oak furniture in the market. Occasionally, when encountering customers who are slightly knowledgeable, salespeople will cover it up with "oak is the abbreviation of rubber wood", causing consumers to purchase furniture that does not match their actual needs, resulting in a phenomenon of counterfeit oak furniture appearing in the market. Especially in children's kindergarten products, many businesses use rubber wood to impersonate oak.

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